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Dear readers,

As we have seen and heard also from the horrible news and images on social media, Tv, etc. a
real tragedy has hit the Emilia-Romagna region.

Unfortunately , our families and Bodies did not remain unscathed and are experiencing moments
of extreme difficulty.

The Executive Council of National ANffAS, in a dedicated urgent session, has been able to
confront with the President of Anffas Emilia-Romagna to acquire greater knowledge of the
situation and damages, transferring through her the sympathy and support of the Entire Anffas to
all the Association, volunteers and involved collaborators.

The Council has also deliberated the will to concretely support the families and Associations
affected by the flood, activating a specific fundraising and allocating, as National Anffas, a first
donation of € 30,000 in favour of Regional Anffas for interventions which support precisely the
affected headquarters and those families most in need.

The “Durante e Dopo di Noi (During and After Us) ” National Foundation has already confirmed
its similar magnitude support compared to what the Executive Council has decided.

The hope is that all people who could give a hand to the affected ANffAS, also and
especially through spreading the news, could take part in the initiative.

You just need to make a bank transfer on the account of National Anffas APS – Iban IT 09R 02008 03284 000105632023 – BIC SWIFT Code: UNCRITM1RNP – Unicredit Banca,​ specifying “SOSTEGNO PER L’EMILIA ROMAGNA” (Support to the Emilia-Romagna region) on the reason.

We will give you an account of the actual use of money collected through this fundraising.

Thanks in advance to those who will join in!