SEMINARY BUILD FUTURE LIVING NOWDAYS - Experiences and models to support indipendent living and "dopo di noi " through collabs between pubblic and private

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Dear readers,

it’s with pleasure that we invite you to participate in the Dopo di Noi 24.09.2022 seminary, organised by CSV Emilia.

We remind you that this meeting is part of a research path to learn about tools and experience in order
to build quality of life for people with disabilities.
National President Roberto Speziale, AnffAS’s lawyer and legal adviser Gianfranco de Robertis and
the person in charge for disabilities in Consorzio Solidarietà Sociale of Parma, Matteo Ghillani will be
among the speakers.

The welfare councillor of the Municipality of Parma dr. Ettore Brianti and the councillor for participation
and associationism of the Municipality of Parma, dr. Daria Jacopozzi confirmed their participation.
We ask you to please give confirmation of your participation by sending an email to or .
The seminary programme is attached to this article.