In this space you will find all the events promoted by Anffas for its Associates and their Families. The activities that we carry out on a regular basis are free time activities, such as: dance-theatre, gym, shiatsu, art workshop, cinema and many other things. Moreover, the Association provides family members with a free service of welcoming and information through counselling offered by the Sportello S.A.I?, active at our headquarters


GIVE ME 5X1000

You can contribute to support us by writing our fiscal code in the 5×1000 section on your tax return.

Help Desk S.A.I

The S.A.I.? (Sportello Accoglienza e Informazione – Welcoming and Information Office) of ANffAS Parma gives information, recommendations and consultancy for free on all the main topics of interest for disabilities, such as benefits, documents, and legislative, work and school forms.


European Disabilty card is a card shaped document which permicts to people with disablity to take advantges of free or discounted services.


From years now, ANffAS and its Volunteers have committed themselves in order to create different kinds of activities so to sustain self-determination of People with Disabilities also in choices linked to free-time activities, with the goal of increasing their communication, social and relational abilities and the person’s wellbeing.

Latest News

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Everyonecan become Volunteers. Having a degree or
expertiseis not important, but training courses will be made available for anyone who
might be interested.

The Volunteer assists the Disabled person, the Family, the Operator. He/she provides his/her hands and feet to do an activity, offers his/her ear and smiles for alleviating suffering, gives a bit of time to create a Friendship

Anybody can contact Our secretariat and they will be connected with the activities referents by calling 0521.261393, writing to volontari@anffasparma.it or go to our headquarter in via Max Casaburi 15, Parma

After Us

After Us” problem is the one which nags the most parents of children with disabilities and it’s the most difficult to face and solve. Directly or indirectly, ANffAS Parma is involved in various experiences:


The Anffas Parma sector, the ‘Dopo di noi’ cooperative ,the Consorzio Solidarietà Sociale,and the Associazione Traumi,  with the fundamental help of a number of  professionals,  have set up a Trustee Foundation whose aim is…



“Dopo di Noi” Social Cooperative has been created in July 1993 as per will of some parents, Associations (among which Anffas) and Social Co-ops already committed for several years in handicap problems…


La storia della Fondazione Pini è lunga e travagliata.
La sig.a Maria Pini nel gennaio del 1967 con volontà testamentaria dava vita ad una Fondazione
dotandola di un immobile ed un podere con


Here you can find our Bits of Information, the Glossary , Le Parole Giuste (the correct words)  and anti-discrimination special, co-developed with National ANffAS​