As we have seen and heard also from the horrible news and images on social media, Tv, etc. a real tragedy has hit the Emilia-Romagna region.
As we have seen and heard also from the horrible news and images on social media, Tv, etc. a real tragedy has hit the Emilia-Romagna region.
We take this opportunity to inform you that on Monday, April 10th, the office will remain closed. best regards
We are pleased to inform you that the ten-year journey of the experimental theater of research, Lenz Foundation.
Sono tornate le uova Pasquali di ANffAS, e con loro la raccolta fondi che ogni anno proponiamo in collaborazione con La Suissa che produce il buonissimo uovo di cioccolato senza glutine, sia al…
Dear StakeHolders We inform You that jan 21st 2023 will take place a charrity event at Rapid Circle in Marore We ask you to please send the invitation to your acquaintances too. Our best regards. <a href="https://anffasparma.i…
Merry Christmas Anffas Parma wishes you a merry Christmas. (Merry Christmas by Anffas Parma) .
Dear Readers We are happy to wish you happy holliday. As It is written on attached flyed we will inform you that anffas will plan a vacation period from dec 23rd 2022 to jan 8th 2023 kind reguards Anffas <img class="alignnone size-full wp…
Anffas will be closed during the following days, while the offices of Séfora srl impresa sociale ANffAS will continue their normal activity. Holiday closing We are closed from Monday 31st of October to Wednesday 2nd October included. <img class…
WHAT IS 5X1000? It’s time to choose who to give your 5×1000 relative to the Personal Income Tax (IRPEF – Imposta sul Reddito delle Persone Fisiche).
INFORMATION ON THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA Pursuant to art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 679/2016 (hereinafter GDPR), the Anffas Parma-OdV Association informs you of the following…