Charrity Nurraco pro ANFFAS

We announce that this year as usual charity burraco on Nov 8 TH from 3 pm to 7 pm in brand new ANffAs headquarter in  max  Casaburi 15 , below some important information:

-Participation fee : 15€ per person,

Great Culinary delicacy,

Info and…

SENTIERI APERTI - Third Appointment

On Oct 2018  will take place third appointment  of the ” Sentieri Aperti ” initiative

To Subscribe : 3208436753

ANFFAS e NUPA association meets family and members

The “Associazione Nazionale Famiglie di Persone con Disabilità Intellettive e/o Relazionali e del Neurosviluppo” (National Association of Families of People with Intellectual and/or Relational Disabilities and of Neurodevelopment) e “Noi Uniti per …


goal is taking people with disabilities (we use a single label, even though in an inaccurate way…) for a hike. The nature of our territory, from the great Po River to the crest of Tuscan-Emilian Apennine, offers a maze of potential paths that are…