National SLA Day 2021

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Dear Readers,
we share with pleasure AISLA ONLUS initiative: the 2021 ALS National Day:
From years now, the beginning of the scholastic year concurs with something that
has become a proper tradition: ALS National Day promoted by AISLA ONLUS,
Associazione Italiana Sclerosi Laterale Amiotrofica (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Italian Association) as a reminder for all of those who do not live with #SLA is
essential in feeling other people close and take strength from them in order to face
the disease. Thus, the goal is making people aware and to offer concrete help for
the assistance and research on ALS.
From 14 years the «un contributo versato con gusto (a contribution made with
gusto) » campaign unites the Country. Over 300 #AISLA volunteers will be present
in all the main Italian squares to offer, for a minimum donation of €10, one of
13,500 Barbera d’Asti DOCG bottles. Due to the health emergency uncertainty, it is
better to verify updates on squares
Best in class: this is the title given to the best wines, 13.500 di Barbera d’Asti DOCG
bottles, which deliberately keep their label of origin. A true Italian excellence made
available thanks to the generosity of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Asti, Unione
Industriale della Provincia di Asti, Alessandria-Asti Chamber of Commerce and the
Piedmont region. An excellence promoted and protected by Consorzio Barbera
d’Asti e vini del #Monferrato, and solidarity which allow the continuation of the
«Operazione Sollievo (Operation Relief)» project to give help to the sick and their
families for free with concrete acts.
“Coloriamo l’Italia di verde (Let’s paint Italy in green)” is the true magic repeated
from years now. In collaboration with ANCI, Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani
(Italian Municipalities National Associations), there are a lot of municipalities which,
on the night of the eve between Saturday, September 18th and Sunday, September
19th will light up hundreds of monuments in green, AISLA symbolic colour and also
the colour of hope for defeating ALS, an incurable disease to date. Last year, just to
name a few, Antonelliana Mole in Turin, Cestia Pyramid in Rome and also Fontana
Maggiore in Perugia, Athena Temple in Paestum, Loggia dei Lanzi in Florence la
Reggia di Caserta and a lot more were lighted up.
Thanks to the support of Fondazione Mediolanum Onlus, in collaboration with
University of Padua the “Baobab” project is near the end. It is the first study in the

world on children and preadolescents with a parent affected by ALS, whose goal is
fully understand how the presence of the disease can psychologically act on kids’
growth and development. There are lots of different meanings given to Baobab,
each linked to its uniqueness. For AISLA and Fondazione Mediolanum the meaning
can be ascribed to the masterpiece “The Little Prince”. This fable tells the journey of
this sensitive child who, with wonder and enthusiasm, meets a series of characters
embodying the most common defects of humans in adulthood. Among which, there
is the “lazy person” who neglects pruning the Baobabs finding out that, if they are, if
they are allowed to grow unchecked, they will suffocate everything. The same is
true for a cumbersome life partner such as ALS, capable of radically modifying not
only the life of the person affected, but also that of the entire family. Just as in the
fable, where the Little Prince tries in every way to protect his little rose, with this
project AISLA intends to activate all useful supports to fortify “ALS children”.
The initiative has the informative support of #RAI for social.
#aisla #SLA #anffasparma #disabilità