ANFFAS e NUPA association meets family and members

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The “Associazione Nazionale Famiglie di Persone con Disabilità Intellettive e/o Relazionali e del
Neurosviluppo” (National Association of Families of People with Intellectual and/or Relational
Disabilities and of Neurodevelopment) e “Noi Uniti per l’Autismo” Association, promote a series of
meetings dedicated to their Associates and all interested Families.
The two documents under consideration are Communal Guidelines for creating a Life Project and
the Regulation for defining the correlated Project Budget.
The aim is twofold:
● inform and foster the spreading of knowledge on fundamental cultural elements which characterise
the innovative takeover model, centred on Quality of Life and Person’s Rights.
● Giving all the opportune explanations regarding administrative novelties deriving from the
application of the above-mentioned Regulation.

● For this purpose, we will invite professionals expert on the subjects and the disability ombudsman
Mattia Salati will be present
To promote active participation and a constructive confrontation between participants, the
scheduled meetings will have a limited number of participants and will be repeated up to finishing
the requests.
Moreover, FAQ will be collected in a single document, which will remain available to Families
and Associations.
These are the first meetings on calendar:
● Thursday 18th of October 2018 at 20:00
● Saturday 27th of October 2018 at 10:30
Taking place at:
New Anffas headquarter – at Polo di Comunità ‘Patrizia Ferri’ – via Max Casaburi 15 (the entrance is in
via Jacobs)

Please, indicate your participation date by contacting organisation Secretariats at the following
numbers: Tel e Mob: 0521/261393 348/7582461