The European Disability Card is part of the “EU Disability Card”
European Project, which has the mutual recognition of disabilities between member countries as its goal.

For all intents and purposes, the European Disability Card substitutes paper certificates and records attesting a condition of disability, gathering everything in a single document.

Thus, to certify one’s disability after the recognition and assessment by the competent commissions, one just needs to exhibit the European Disability Card and allow the operator in charge to read its QR Code through a smartphone equipped with camera and access to the internet.

From August 2022, ANffAS Parma is enabled to enter requests for the Disability Card to citizens residing in the municipality of Parma and province, giving to people who requested it the opportunity to receive it
directly at home.


  • Adults with a certified disability greater than 67%
  •  Disabled persons under 18
  •  Citizens receiving an allowance for their disability by the Italian State
  • Citizens with a certification in accordance to Law 104/1992, Art 3, 3rdparagraph
  •  Blind persons
  • Deaf persons
  • Disabled and incapacitated persons according to Law 222/1984
  • Occupational invalids with a certified disability greater than 35%
  • Occupational invalids or persons having the right to an allowance
    for ongoing personal care or those with psychophysical impairments
  •  Persons unable to work (according to Law 379/1955 and Presidential
    Decrees n.73/92 and 171/2011) and the unemployables (according
    to Law 274/1991, art. 13 and Law 335/1995, art. 2)
  •   Holders of ordinary and war privileges

Citizens with disabilities who have paper records issued before 2010 or released by Aosta Valley Region or the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bozen certifying invalidity, that is having been recognised as invalid by judgments or decrees of probate following legal proceedings, must declare, under their own responsibility, according to the Presidential Decree of 28 December 2000, n. 445, to fulfil the Disability Card requirements.

In case of disabled persons under 18 belonging to categories specified in the 3 rd annex of the Prime Minister’s Decree issued on the 5 December2013, n. 159, the request must be submitted by the subject exercising parental responsibility, a guardian function or by the support administrator using the digital identity delegation in use, or the minor’s digital credentials. In case of minors in foster family care, belonging to categories specified in the 3 rd annex of the Prime Minister’s Decree n.159/2013, the request can be submitted by the foster family during the child’s stay period.


  1. An ID photo format of the owner.
  2. The owner’s name, surname and date of birth.
  3. A specific indication in case the owner needs a companion or a greater support.
  4. Serial number and expiring date of the document.
  5.  A QR Code containing ONLY information relative to the existence of
    disability and thus to the Card validity.
  6. “EU Disability Card” in Braille.

To request an appointment for your Disability Card, please, contact us:

Via Max Casaburi 15, 43123 Parma
at polo educativo di comunità Patrizia Ferri
ingresso in via Rudolf Jacobs 14

0521 261393 

Andrea Anita Castelli Segretaria e responsabile Disability Card